How to write good headlines

Improve your headlines to help your content be found. We’re all tired of “clickbait”: where the headline promises something that the rest of the content doesn’t deliver. Here’s how to do better with your headlines. The goodies in this post are taken from chapter 27 (“How to write good content”) in my book, Content DNA. […]
How to share links on LinkedIn

How to include links on LinkedIn posts without being penalised by the algorithm. Hold on a second! The method below has worked well for me since 2018. BUT … LinkedIn changed their algorithm some time between May and June 2020. My testing and feedback from others suggests strongly that links in posts are NOT currently […]
How I self-published Content DNA

Content DNA is my book aimed at business owners who want to create an online presence that’s noticed, remembered and preferred. This post looks at the self-publishing process I went through to get the book out into the world, including the expenses involved and the problems I faced along the way. The costs I mention here […]
Content DNA brand values: the long list

Chapter 9’s long list of brand values. My book, Content DNA, includes advice for business owners on defining the “shape” of their brand. One of the exercises in chapter 9 is “The X Factor word list method”. If you’ve read the book, you’ll know that didn’t want to stuff a dirty long list in there, so […]
How to improve LinkedIn engagement

Quick tips to multiply your profile and post views on LinkedIn. The actionable advice here has helped my LinkedIn profile views and engagement to increase massively since the start of 2017.
Twitter search advanced guide

Whether you’re researching blog ideas, looking for work or just trying to find out what’s going on near you, the advanced features of Twitter search will help you find the content you need. Top 10 Twitter tips (free PDF) This post contains tips and filters for getting the best from Twitter search. All the details […]
How marketing communities can help businesses grow

Do you feel lost in the sea of advice about how to promote your business? How do you know that you’re doing the right things to market yourself online? This post is about how being part of a marketing community has helped me succeed. There are lots of communities you could join, and I’m sure […]
Recommended business podcasts

My recommended podcasts for marketing, copywriting and social media. Blog posts and videos are great but nothing lets you learn while multitasking in the same way that podcasts do. Here are my recommended business podcasts for marketing your business, writing well and using social media. Ready?
How long should my blog posts be?

How many words do you need to write in your blog posts? Here’s what I’ve found based on my experience of blogging regularly since 2015.
Video caption questions answered

Answers to common questions about video captions This post answers some common questions about captioning your videos. I’ve previously written a guide to video captions.
Content DNA nuggets

In a nutshell. Content DNA is about defining the “shape” of your brand and then creating content that helps your business to be noticed, remembered and preferred. Buy UK 🇬🇧 Buy US 🇺🇸 🟦🟩🟧 Get the long list of brand values I mention in chapter 9. Audio samples. Listen to the audiobook on Audible: UK • […]
Using Twitter at live events

TwitterSmarter Q&A about live-tweeting at events Here are the questions and answers from my guest appearance on the #TwitterSmarter chat with Madalyn Sklar on 4 July 2019. The topic was about the power of live-tweeting at events and conferences.
Twitter tips

10 quick tips for making better use of Twitter
LinkedIn article tips

Top tips for getting your long-form content right on LinkedIn. Here are my best tips on getting your LinkedIn articles right. For more context, check out my interview with Mark Williams on the Linkedinformed podcast, episode 252. Briefly, why bother with articles? Because they’re a great way to demonstrate your authority. Normal posts in the […]
Email consistency

Does a regular email schedule matter to your readers? You know it’s important to have an email list so that you can have a direct route to communicate with your audience. But do your readers pay more attention to regular messages?
You Are The Media 2019

Where: Bournemouth When: 23 May 2019 Wow: It was properly sunny ☀️
LinkedIn advanced tips

20+ advanced LinkedIn tips for non-newbies. You’ve read all the basic advice about using LinkedIn. You know you need to fill out your profile, write an engaging headline and add a good-quality headshot. Blah blah blah. Now you want to move on and see some more advanced tips for using LinkedIn. You’re in the right […]
Blog posts vs LinkedIn articles

Is it better to create a blog post or a LinkedIn article? A lot of my copywriting clients aren’t sure whether their content ought to be published on their blog or on LinkedIn. Let’s take a quick look at the pros and cons. Plus, I’ll show you my recommended publishing process.
How to update social media previews

You’ve updated the featured image on your WordPress web page or blog post but the old image still appears when you share the content on social media. What to do? This post shows you how to get your social media preview visuals and info right. The above video explains the process. Alternatively, follow the steps […]
Twitter: how to search for untagged mentions

Who is talking about you but not tagging you on Twitter? Do you want to make sure that you don’t miss any mentions of your name on Twitter? This post gives you a magic search string to save so that can easily check it in future.