LinkedIn disconnection experiment

LinkedIn disconnection experiment

Almost everyone I’ve spoken to who has pared down their first-level network on LinkedIn has said it’s helped to clean up their feed and get their content seen by more relevant people. I decided to try this out over the middle of 2024, and here are the results of my own disconnection experiment. Get to […]

LinkedIn membership numbers

How many members does LinkedIn have? On 30 July 2024, LinkedIn had more than 1 billion members. Source: Microsoft Fiscal Year 2024 Q4 Earnings Conference Call (See also LinkedIn Pressroom) Here are the LinkedIn member stats I’ve tracked. Some extra detail about the announcements (such as growth and revenue) are accessible via the links on […]

LinkedIn company page analytics

LinkedIn company page analytics

Here’s how LinkedIn describes the Analytics section of the company page: Analytics. Gain insight into the performance of your LinkedIn Page with analytics that gauge trends across metrics and time periods. View your Page’s competitor, content, employee advocacy, follower, lead, search, employer brand (Career Pages only), and visitor highlights. Source: LinkedIn help Let’s wrap up. […]

LinkedIn experts to follow

LinkedIn experts to follow

If my LinkedIn Learner Lounge isn’t enough for you(!), follow the smartypants below for plenty more insights about how best to use LinkedIn. Many of the following are part of the Espresso+ community, as indicated by after their name. Each person can help you professionally with some aspect of your LinkedIn presence. 🇬🇧 Gus Bhandal […]

LinkedIn links in posts or comments

If you want to point your LinkedIn readers to an external resource on the web, what’s the best way to include a link? This piece sets out some pros and cons of how to share links in shortform LinkedIn posts. Introduction Pros and cons of links in comments Pros and cons of links in posts […]

LinkedIn character limits

LinkedIn character limits

Here are some LinkedIn character limits for common fields on the platform. Don’t feel you need to fill all the space: your content should be only as long as is needed to convey your message. Posts. 3000 characters. The old limit used to be 1300 characters. Comments. 1250 characters. The old limit used to be […]

How to get help on LinkedIn

LinkedIn support routes

Here are all the routes to contact LinkedIn support for help. IMPORTANT: two-step verification Help routes: Self-service online help and forum Tweeting @LinkedInHelp on Twitter/𝕏 Tagging LinkedIn Help on LinkedIn Raising a support ticket while logged in Raising a support ticket while not logged in Company pages help Live chat (Premium members only) LinkedIn events […]

How to create a branded hashtag

Branded hashtags

Create your own terms to support your personal brand. Do you have your own branded hashtag? It could help your business stand out and provides an easy way for followers to spread the word about you. I use branded hashtags to give labels to some of my content on social media. You can do the […]

UpLift Live conference feedback

UpLift Live conference feedback

Here’s the feedback we received on the first UpLift Live conference. I’m focusing here on the suggestions for improvement rather than simply sharing all of the mostly very positive compliments about the event. It’s great to read the lovely things people have said about UpLift Live, but I’m most interested in the suggestions for improvement, […]

How we made UpLift Live

UpLift Live follow-up

What goes into making a conference? Here are some notes for what we did to put together UpLift Live, the UK’s first LinkedIn-focused conference. Before you read on, here’s where to go when you’re ready to buy a ticket to UpLift Live 25. Here are a few minutes of highlights from the conference on 21 […]

How you can help me

How you can help me

I help non-meanies with lots of queries about LinkedIn, personal branding and online visibility. If I’ve helped you and you wish to reciprocate, here’s how. These would be amazing. Join Espresso+ my membership community Buy an UpLift Live conference ticket Book a consultation Buy my LinkedIn course These would be pretty cool, too. Share my […]

LinkedIn stats breakdown

LinkedIn stats breakdown

There’s a lot of talk about how our reach or visibility on LinkedIn has changed over recent times. Here’s an analysis of my own stats. Introduction Average post stats by year Days of the week Let’s wrap up Introduction. I’ve shared plenty of my own data in the past but now that we have a […]

LinkedIn image sizes

LinkedIn image sizes

Here’s a look at the various image types and sizes you need to know about when creating visual content for LinkedIn. Introduction Profile banners Image posts Introduction. LinkedIn is now pretty forgiving with the image dimensions it supports in various places, but there are still some best practices to keep in mind, as set out […]

LinkedIn native post scheduling

Native LinkedIn post scheduling rolled out to me on Friday 18 November 2022. I can now schedule shortform LinkedIn posts to go out in future without needing to use third-party tools. At last! We can tag people and companies in scheduled LinkedIn posts. I used the scheduling feature to announce the rollout: see scheduled post […]

UpLift Live

UpLift Live conference

UpLift Live is the UK’s first LinkedIn-focused conference for LinkedIn specialists, power users and enthusiasts. Join the apex operators of LinkedIn to learn best practices for the world’s number one business networking platform. 🗓️ Thursday 21 March 2024 📍 Millennium Point, Birmingham, UK 🔗 Get your ticket This is the only event of its […]

Give feedback to LinkedIn

How to send feedback to LinkedIn

Get to the point: Form 1 · Form 2 LinkedIn have two main feedback forms. Use them to give LinkedIn a piece of your mind about unexpected or unwanted changes, or if you have any ideas for how to improve the platform. Form 1 – “Weekly: Creator Product Feedback” Form 2 – “Suggest an improvement” […]

LinkedIn creator mode

LinkedIn creator mode

“Creator mode” is a set of LinkedIn profile features launched in March 2021, to support content creators. It’s a single option to enable but results in a few changes being applied to your profile. “Over 11 million members have turned on LinkedIn creator mode since its launch in March of 2021.” Source: LinkedIn Ads blog, […]

LinkedIn: followers versus connections

LinkedIn followers versus connections

What is the difference between a LinkedIn follower and a connection? This clip from my LinkedIn Sofa series explains what a LinkedIn follower is and how that differs from a LinkedIn connection:

LinkedIn profile videos

Treat this as archived info. On 26 June 2023, LinkedIn turned off new profile video uploads. See my LinkedIn post about it when the news broke 10 days before. This renders the information below as mostly academic, though you can still view profile videos that were uploaded before the cutoff date. My hope is that […]

Podcasting mistakes

This was prompted by a popular LinkedIn post on mistakes by podcasters and their guests. Introduction False promises Lack of research Boring questions Not listening Laughing at your own jokes Self promotion Misunderstanding the knowledge of the listener Not giving credit where it’s due Going off topic Poor show notes Too many ads No episode […]