LinkedIn experts to follow

The relentlessly helpful® blog by John Espirian

29 June 2024
LinkedIn experts to follow

If my LinkedIn Learner Lounge isn’t enough for you(!), follow the smartypants below for plenty more insights about how best to use LinkedIn.

Many of the following are part of the Espresso+ community, as indicated by Espresso+ square logo after their name.

Each person can help you professionally with some aspect of your LinkedIn presence.

🇬🇧 Gus Bhandal.

Gus Bhandal

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Gus is a social media trainer, content creator and marketing strategist.

An all-round nice guy with a distinctive personal brand and good taste in sports entertainment.

🇬🇧 Louise Brogan.

Louise Brogan

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Louise is a LinkedIn marketer specialising in professional services.

She runs her own podcast, LinkedIn with Louise and has her own YouTube channel.

🇬🇧 Sarah Burgess.

Sarah Burgess

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Sarah is a career & LinkedIn coach and is a regular on LinkedIn Live video.

She kindly interviewed me in February 2022, just after I’d launched the Espresso+ community. Watch our chat

🇬🇧 Tracey Burnett.

Tracey Burnett

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Tracey is a LinkedIn marketing strategist, and a mentor and trainer for teams, coaches and consultants.

🇬🇧 Nigel Cliffe.

Nigel Cliffe

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Nigel is based in West Yorkshire and is a well-respected LinkedIn trainer in the UK.

His site is well worth a visit for the helpful set of tips in his video catalogue.

🇬🇧 Clare Ferguson.

Clare Ferguson

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Clare specialises in digital advertising on many platforms but is one of my go-to people for LinkedIn ads.

🇬🇧 Melanie Goodman.

Melanie Goodman

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Melanie is a former lawyer based between the UK and Switzerland.

Check out her Encyclopedia of LinkedIn Hashtags 2022.

Also, see her excellent free tool, the LinkedIn Profile Photo Frame Generator.

You can see an example of the output in this Espresso+ post.

🇬🇧 Keith Grover.

Keith Grover

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As well as being a copywriter for more than 30 years, Keith offers LinkedIn training and clinics for business owners and teams.

🇬🇧 Niraj Kapur.

Niraj Kapur

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Niraj was a LinkedIn Top Voice in Sales in 2021 and has extensive experience in helping people sell ethically and organically online as a LinkedIn business coach.

As well as being a rock drummer(!), he’s written a couple of books, including Everybody Works In Sales. A true gent.

🇬🇧 Beth Kirk.

Beth Kirk

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Beth has nearly 20 years of corporate experience in sales & marketing and support clients with social media content strategies, and specialises in LinkedIn 1-to-1 and group training.

🇬🇧 Craig Langley.

Craig Langley

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Craig is a veteran of the automotive and electronics industry but also has a special interest in both the technical side of LinkedIn as well as in using Sales Navigator to find and nurture leads.

🇬🇧 Mac Laubscher.

Mac Laubscher

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  • Espresso+ founder member
  • LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Mac offers 1-to-1 coaching, group programmes and a 12-week LinkedIn masterclass.

🇬🇧 Ashley Leeds.

Ashley Leeds

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Ashley is known as the 15-minute guy and encourages people to attract more clients by spending only 15 minutes per day on LinkedIn.

He keeps the 15-minute vibe going with a regular LinkedIn Live video series that goes “behind the profile” with his guests.

🇬🇧 Eleanor Mitchiner.

Eleanor Mitchiner

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Eleanor is a marketing specialist who helps people use LinkedIn as a key part of developing a successful business strategy.

🇬🇧 Ella Orr.

Ella Orr

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Ella is a personal branding and social media marketing consultant and speaker, with a special interest in regulated industries such as finance and law.

She’s able to help with LinkedIn, Instagram and TikTok.

A former teacher and a trusted friend 💜

🇬🇧 Sam Rathling.

Sam Rathling

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Sam is a LinkedIn lead generation specialist who helps large corporate customers.

She wrote Linked Inbound: 8 Social Selling Strategies to Generate Leads on LinkedIn in 2019 and gave me a kind mention in it.

🇬🇧 Tony Restell.

Tony Restell

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Tony is an expert social media marketer who runs Social Hire, which helps businesses with social selling and lead generation.

🇬🇧 Laura Taylor.

Laura Taylor

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Laura is a social media strategist who offers LinkedIn audit power hours and profile rewrites.

🇬🇧 Lea Turner.

Lea Turner

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Lea has a massive following built on her distinctive brand and willingness to share personal content and opinions.

Despite having 150K+ followers, Lea is approachable and down to earth. One of the few big names of LinkedIn who’s actually worth following.

Check out this LinkedIn Live replay featuring my chat with Lea, along with Bobby Umar and Andy Foote.

🇬🇧 Mark Williams.

Mark Williams

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  • LinkedIn Sales Navigator

If I had to take just one person’s advice about LinkedIn, it would be Mark’s (and not just because he’s a Liverpool FC fan, though that helps).

Mark hosts Linkedinformed, my favourite LinkedIn podcast.

I was a guest on two occasions:

🇮🇪 Aoife Noone.

Aoife Noone

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Aoife used to work for Facebook and is a social media consultant and LinkedIn trainer with a specialism in financial services.

🇺🇸 Sandra Clark.

Sandra Clark

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Sandra is reassuringly calm and approachable.

She specialises in helping the “social media reluctant” to get better results from their efforts on LinkedIn.

🇺🇸 Sid Clark.

Sid Clark

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Sid is a former IT test engineer and English instructor who posts helpful LinkedIn tips via annotated screenshots.

He’s a nice guy who’s talented at writing clear explanations.

🇺🇸 Liam Darmody.

Liam Darmody

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Liam is a LinkedIn brand strategist who worked for fast-growing companies for almost 20 years before going independent to help people build a brand on LinkedIn.

🇺🇸 Andy Foote.

Andy Foote

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Andy is a Brit based in the US. He loves to experiment and shares some of the best insights I’ve seen about the platform.

He’s the host of the Foote Notes podcast. I was a guest on episode 14.

🇺🇸 Virginia Franco.

Virginia Franco

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Virginia specialises in writing resumes and LinkedIn profiles for job seekers, and is the host of the Resume Storyteller podcast.

🇺🇸 Beth Granger.

Beth Granger

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Beth is a highly respected and experienced LinkedIn consultant, and is always happy to share what she learns with other LinkedIn trainers around the world.

She’s one of a small number of people to have been invited to beta-test the LinkedIn audio feature, and was one of the first Espresso+ members in the United States.

🇺🇸 Judi Hays.

Judi Hays

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Judi is a LinkedIn consultant, Forbes contributor and has written a book called Elevate, Expand, Engage (click for Amazon US page).

🇺🇸 Viveca Hess.

Viveca Hess

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Viveca specialises in helping lawyers to build their personal brand on LinkedIn. She’s also host of the Social Lawyer podcast.

🇺🇸 Kenneth Lang.

Kenneth Lang

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Ken is one of the 2022 Top Job Search Experts to Follow on LinkedIn, and is a dedicated anti-automation advocate who wants LinkedIn to be a more human space.

🇺🇸 Sandra Long.

Sandra Long

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Sandra works on corporate LinkedIn rebranding and training as well as on B2B social selling.

She’s the author of LinkedIn for Personal Branding and Supercharge (click for Amazon US pages).

🇺🇸 Bill McCormick.

Brenda Meller

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Bill is a LinkedIn trainer who focuses on helping sales teams leverage LinkedIn like humans!

🇺🇸 Brenda Meller.

Brenda Meller

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Brenda is one of my favourite LinkedIn specialists in the US.

She’s a regular creator of LinkedIn Live videos and an expert in LinkedIn company pages.

Her book is called Social Media Pie.

Social Media Pie review on Amazon.

Get the whole LinkedIn pie
I’ve been following Brenda’s LinkedIn tips for the past few years. I knew that when she produced a book, it would be a comprehensive look at how to build a LinkedIn profile and define a strategy for success on the world’s number one business networking platform. She’s achieved that with Social Media Pie.

Having published a business book myself, I know how much of an effort it is to create a piece of authority content like this. Well done, Brenda!

PS. Save me a slice of apple and cherry pie for when we eventually meet! 🍏🍒🥧

🇺🇸 Nancy Myrland.

Nancy Myrland

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Nancy is a LinkedIn coach for lawyers, and a legal marketing and social media consultant.

🇺🇸 Angela Pitter.

Angela Pitter

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Angela is a digital marketing advisor and strategist, and a LinkedIn trainer and coach. She has a specialism in helping non-profits on LinkedIn.

See for more info and contact Angela if you have questions!

🇺🇸 Crystal Thies.

Crystal Thies

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Crystal is known as the LinkedIn Ninja 🥋 and specialises in LinkedIn lead generation consulting and training.

🇺🇸 Kevin D Turner.

Kevin D Turner

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More than just a LinkedIn expert, Kevin is a brand strategist and writer who always contributes thoughtful and helpful posts and comments on LinkedIn.

A truly smart thinker and all-round good guy.

🇺🇸 Gillian Whitney.

Gillian Whitney

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Gillian is an expert at LinkedIn video content creation and produces wonderfully helpful content that makes the process “easy peasy”.

She’s a former technical writer and self-confessed Google Goddess with extensive knowledge on how to make LinkedIn content accessible, including testing just about every video-captioning tool available.

An absolute must-follow on LinkedIn and quite simply one of my favourite people.

🇺🇸 Jared Wiese.

Jared Wiese

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I discovered Jared through his “Profiles that POP” campaign, where he helps people produce better resumes and profiles.

A genuinely helpful and nice guy who is one of the most popular people on this list (120K+ followers!).

🇺🇸 AJ Wilcox.

AJ Wilcox

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AJ is the world’s leading authority on LinkedIn ads, and delivered an outstanding Expert Q&A session to the Espresso+ community in August 2023.

He runs The LinkedIn Ads Show podcast and also a paid community dedicated to LinkedIn ads, called LinkedIn Ads Fanatics.

🇺🇸 Mary Wu.

Mary Wu

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Mary is a LinkedIn Whisperer who works with clients and students through her classes, group programme and 1:1 training, to share LinkedIn best practices and changes.

Her passion project is helping teens and young adults get started on LinkedIn, so the valuable connections they are creating early in their schooling and careers can continue on “LinkedIn for Life”.

🇺🇸 Jeff Young.

Jeff Young

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Jeff’s in the running for nicest guy on LinkedIn. He calls himself the LinkedIn Guru and really lives up to that reputation.

Unlike other LinkedIn experts, Jeff isn’t on LinkedIn to sell anything, as he’s already retired. He’s a great source of knowledge and wisdom about the platform. Namaste, buddy!

🇦🇺 Anna McAfee.

Anna McAfee

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Anna is a LinkedIn coach, LinkedIn Learning instructor and was the founder of the popular LinkedIn Local movement.

🇦🇺 Jo Saunders.

Jo Saunders

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Jo has a distinctive look (love the changing hair colours!) and a fun presence on LinkedIn.

She’s a regular video creator on LinkedIn and also runs a YouTube channel at

🇦🇺 Karen Tisdell.

Karen Tisdell

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Karen is one of my favourite LinkedIn specialists in Australia. Her posts and comments are always helpful, and she’s been an avid supporter of mine for a long time.

A class act who’s well worth listening to.

🇦🇺 Michelle J Raymond.

Michelle J Raymond

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  • LinkedIn company pages
  • LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Michelle is the only LinkedIn expert I know who specialises in company pages.

Check out her best practice tips through her Good Trading Co page.

She also hosts regular Good for Business Show LinkedIn Live videos, which are repurposed into her audio podcast of the same name.

Michelle has co-authored a book called Business Gold with Lynnaire Johnston, all about LinkedIn company pages.

🇦🇺 Wanita Zoghby-Fourie.

Wanita Z

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  • LinkedIn ads

Wanita is an expert in teaching several social platforms and, like me, is an avid fan of testing and experimenting to understand how those platforms work.

Knowledgeable, helpful and lovely.

🇧🇪 Mic Adam.

Mic Adam

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  • LinkedIn Sales Navigator
  • LinkedIn Recruiter
  • LinkedIn ads

Mic is based in Belgium and specialises in employee advocacy, social selling and recruitment. He’s also a certified LinkedIn ads expert.

His content is always helpful and well researched. Follow him!

🇧🇪 Tiina Jarvet Pereira.

Tiina Jarvet Pereira

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  • LinkedIn Recruiter

Unlike the other LinkedIn specialists on the list, Tiina is a career strategy consultant.

However, she’s highly experienced on LinkedIn and has a particular interest in helping people to use LinkedIn Recruiter. Only power users in recruitment will need to use this top-tier LinkedIn package.

Though based in Belgium, Tiina is Estonian and speaks 9 languages! Check her out.

🇨🇦 Leanne Calderwood.

Leanne Calderwood

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Leanne is a LinkedIn and personal branding trainer who specialises in helping hospitality industry businesses to create sales leads on LinkedIn.

🇨🇦 Bruce Johnston.

Bruce Johnston

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Bruce is a LinkedIn trainer and consultant who has built his reputation through longform content in the shape of LinkedIn articles and newsletters.

🇩🇰 Tonny Mikkelsen.

Tonny Mikkelsen

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  • Espresso+ member
  • LinkedIn Recruiter
  • LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Tonny covers all elements of social selling and helps people search LinkedIn effectively.

A top pick if you need a LinkedIn expert in Denmark.

🇩🇪 Britta Behrens.

Britta Behrens

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Britta is a social selling expert and onstage speaker who specialises in LinkedIn.

🇩🇪 Kathrin Wischnath.

Kathrin Wischnath

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Kathrin specialises in LinkedIn profile optimisation and content creation training.

🇮🇱 Eli Igra Serfaty.

Eli Igra Serfaty

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As well as being a LinkedIn consultant, Eli is an investment analyst and specialist in venture capital and startups.

🇮🇹 Leonardo Bellini.

Leonardo Bellini

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Leo specialises in lead generation for B2B sales teams and also offers LinkedIn training and consulting.

🇳🇱 Richard van der Blom.

Richard van der Blom

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  • LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Richard is known for in-depth experiments on LinkedIn and meaty reports that dig into the fine workings of the LinkedIn algorithm.

For example, see his LinkedIn Algorithm Research October 2021 report.

Nerds who want to get a competitive advantage on LinkedIn would do well to follow Richard’s posts and to hire him for help with social selling.

🇳🇱 Marjolijn Cohen.

Marjolijn Cohen

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Marjolijn is a social media strategist, trainer, author and speaker.

🇳🇱 Guy Strijbosch.

Guy Strijbosch

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  • LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Guy (pronounced to rhyme with bee) is a social selling expert who helps clients with personal branding, sales training and more.

He also regularly talks about LinkedIn on Clubhouse (@guystrijbosch).

🇳🇿 Lynnaire Johnston.

Lynnaire Johnston

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Lynnaire is the first person in New Zealand to have read my first book, Content DNA. And I was one of the first people in the UK to read her excellent book, Link∙Ability, which covers strategies for using LinkedIn well (Amazon review below).

She’s lovely and well worth a follow. Don’t miss her excellent article 77 Tips for Getting a Head Start with your LinkedIn in 2021 – it’s packed with valuable insight.

Lynnaire has co-authored a book called Business Gold with Michelle J Raymond. It’s all about LinkedIn company pages.

Link∙Ability review on Amazon.

Excellent LinkedIn primer for businesspeople
Lynnaire has written a clear business guide that shows the value of being on LinkedIn.

I’m sure that the content will help lots of people looking to get cracking on a business platform that has more than 700 million members but that still has great potential for organic content reach. Nice work, Lynnaire!

🇿🇦 Este Pretorius.

Este Pretorius

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Este calls herself an “accidental LinkedIn expert” and specialises in LinkedIn lead generation, training, social selling and marketing.

🇨🇭 Sebestian Ong.

Sebestian Ong

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Seb is a digital strategist and B2B marketer. He’s also a fan of LinkedIn Live video, social audio and is a regular experimenter with new technology and tools.

Let’s wrap up.

I do know more LinkedIn specialists than this but I’m not going to try to list them all. Any such list could never be exhaustive.

If I’ve left out someone amazing, please let me know so that I can include them here. But please don’t nominate yourself: that’s not what cool people do.


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John Espirian

I’m the relentlessly helpful®️ LinkedIn nerd and author of Content DNA

I teach business owners how to be noticed, remembered and preferred.

Espresso+ is a safe space to learn how to ethically promote your business online and get better results on LinkedIn.

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