LinkedIn Sofa

Relentlessly helpful® podcasting.

Listen in. I’ve
talked a lot

Audio tips for a better LinkedIn presence.

Here are the audio recordings of my monthly LinkedIn Sofa slot on the You Are The Media podcast.

The newest recordings are listed first.

You can also listen to this content via SoundCloud by following espirian.

LinkedIn dwell time.

June 2020

LinkedIn post anatomy.

May 2020 – read accompanying blog

Staying top of mind.

April 2020

LinkedIn voice notes.

March 2020

LinkedIn “Featured” section.

February 2020

LinkedIn “see more” break points.

January 2020

LinkedIn tip of the year.

December 2019

Selling on LinkedIn.

November 2019

LinkedIn search engine optimiation (SEO).

October 2019

LinkedIn video captions.

September 2019

The frequency and timing of LinkedIn posts.

August 2019

LinkedIn followers versus connections.

July 2019

LinkedIn media items.

April 2019

LinkedIn commenting.

March 2019

LinkedIn engagement guide (3 parts).

December 2018 to February 2019 – read accompanying blog

LinkedIn company pages.

November 2018 – read accompanying blog

LinkedIn view counts explained.

October 2018 – read accompanying blog

Don’t use the LinkedIn Share button.

September 2018 – read accompanying blog

How to share links on LinkedIn via the write-post-edit method.

August 2018 – read accompanying blog

Hey, you speak slowly.

Yup, I’m not the fastest talker.

I’m mindful that a lot of my audience is now around the world and an increasing proportion of them are non-native English speakers, so that’s all the more reason to be slow and clear.

The audio here is always destined for the You Are The Media podcast. I know that some people listening through Apple Podcasts or whatever will crank it up to 1.5× or 2× speed.

More LinkedIn resources.