Email consistency

The relentlessly helpful® blog by John Espirian

28 May 2019
Email consistency

Does a regular email schedule matter to your readers?

You know it’s important to have an email list so that you can have a direct route to communicate with your audience.

But do your readers pay more attention to regular messages?


I put out this question about email regularity because I wanted to make sure I was delivering the best experience to the 1535 subscribers on my Espresso ☕️ mailing list.

So, I asked my audience by email and on social media. Here are the results.

My audience feedback via LinkedIn

I recently asked this question on LinkedIn, and my post received more than a hundred comments.

The prevailing feedback was that quality matters more than quantity or regularity.

Most respondents didn’t seem bothered about emails arriving on a regular schedule, and many of them didn’t notice on which day they received messages from their various subscriptions.

This was typical feedback:

Anna Iveson

Anna Iveson

I’m not sure I would even realise if I was receiving a newsletter regularly on a certain day of the week. If it looks interesting I’ll open it…if it doesn’t I’ll ignore it, regardless of which day I receive it.

Victoria Doxat

Victoria Doxat

For me, I really don’t keep track of what day of the week/month I receive emails from mailing lists and I don’t care either! As long as the emails are regular, interesting/useful and consistent in their content I really don’t think it matters when they are sent.

The next points by Catherine and Lucy are particularly interesting.

Catherine Berry

Catherine Berry

I’m a lover of variety, adventure is in my nature! Hence if I think something is predictable I’m put off. Emails are a great example. I subscribe to an email list if I’m interested. I open the emails to begin with because I want to know more. After that I only open the emails if I think they might continue to interest me or the subject line catches my attention. I’m not looking out every week awaiting anyone’s emails. If I have time, I’m interested, the subject line catches me I’ll open.

Lucy Griffin-Stiff

Lucy Griffin-Stiff

Consistent and predictable can also equal boring. I personally prefer not to get too much email or it puts me off a person. Sending valuable stuff – as and when – works for me. I get so many emails that the day often gets lost on me – I need to do another unsubscribe splurge.

I’m going to talk about the potential peril of predictability in my book, Content DNA.

Some people did care about consistency of email delivery:

Jill Larmer

Jill Larmer

Personally I like consistency and regularity if for no other reason than if I know a message might come on a certain day I can prepare a question or action on it without contacting the sender at random times when it may not be convenient for them. It just seems to be a smarter use of time and people are usually in the desired “headspace”.

John Jocham

John Jocham

I seem to be swimming against the tide here John but I like the consistency of a fixed time and day. Since I’m not necessarily monitoring my feed every day there’s the FOMO issue if it’s not regular- I don’t necessarily want to be scrolling back for something that may not be there- I realise that makes me sound selfish and needy

My audience feedback via Twitter

I also posed the question on Twitter. There were 123 votes: 74% said it a regular schedule didn’t matter and 26% said it did.

Here are a couple of the responses:

Although I was asking the question from the point of view of what’s best for the reader, it’s also important to keep in mind what suits us as content creators:

My audience feedback via email

Almost everyone who replied to my Espresso ☕️ email about this said that regularity didn’t matter to them.

Megan Stolz Rogers

Megan Stolz

I used to manage our weekly newsletter at my office job, and we had a set day/time that it delivered. There was value in consistency on our side, though: it helped with scheduling our workflow, and it also helped with scheduling other emails that went out to members. We didn’t want to send out too many on one day.

And some people were just straight up nice:

Sarah Townsend

Sarah Townsend

Doesn’t matter when the content is this good

Top tips for sending better emails

Here’s what I keep in mind when I send messages to my mailing list:

  • Make your emails about a single subject: One message, one idea.
  • Keep it snappy: War and Peace is a particular turn off in email. Short is good.
  • Go easy on the sales messages: If more than 1 in 5 emails contain something about selling your products or services, don’t expect people to hang around long.
  • Use a consistent tone: Your emails aren’t seen in public but they should still have the same “voice” as what you write on your website and on social media. Be the same shape everywhere

Regularity might not matter but “being around” does

The overall feedback suggests that a regular email schedule isn’t necessary.

But that’s not licence to disappear for months at a time and risk your subscribers forgetting who you are.

Keep yourself top of mind by staying in touch with your audience.

Let’s wrap up

A strong majority of my audience said they didn’t care about whether email list messages were regular. They were far more interested in the quality of the message.

Dial down the sales and dial up the value. If you can give people something interesting, relevant and helpful, you’ll build trust with them – and the sales will come naturally.


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John Espirian

I’m the relentlessly helpful®️ LinkedIn nerd and author of Content DNA

I teach business owners how to be noticed, remembered and preferred.

Espresso+ is a safe space to learn how to ethically promote your business online and get better results on LinkedIn.

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