LinkedIn Fix List

Last update: 1 October 2024 Here’s my list of things that need to be fixed or improved on LinkedIn. I started this in 2019. If you like these ideas or have any more to suggest, give feedback direct to LinkedIn via the form linked below. Feel free to copy and paste any of my descriptions […]
LinkedIn groups

I’ve had quite the downer on LinkedIn groups for a long time, but I’ve changed my mind following the experience of running my Espresso by Espirian group since the start of September 2021. Here’s what you need to know about LinkedIn groups. Introduction Benefits of LinkedIn groups Joining LinkedIn groups Benefits of running a LinkedIn […]
Scheduling posts on LinkedIn

Does scheduling reduce visibility and engagement on LinkedIn posts? Did you know? Native scheduling started rolling out around 18 November 2022. See my blog post on native scheduling on LinkedIn. I gave up using a third-party scheduling tool at the start of 2017, when I decided to focus on building my LinkedIn presence. This experiment […]
A sample blog template

I’ve created this for Ella Orr, who asked in the Espresso+ community about how best to structure a blog post. Start with a hero image, like the one above. I’ve created a template in Snagit, but you can use Canva if that’s easier. Take time to get the headline right. It should be clear and […]
Espresso+ FAQs

Here are some of the most common questions people have asked about the Espresso+ community for small business owners and solopreneurs. Is it right for me? What do I get? How do the live calls work? Do I have to commit to a minimum term? Do I already need to know exactly where my business […]
LinkedIn newsletters

LinkedIn newsletters are like LinkedIn articles on steroids. They’re longform content – the equivalent of blog posts on your website. new – subscribe to the relentlessly helpful® newsletter on LinkedIn. Introduction Why bother with LinkedIn newsletters? What should I write about in my LinkedIn newsletter? How to create a LinkedIn newsletter Can I still create […]
How I handle LinkedIn invitations

As my LinkedIn network has grown, I’ve changed my approach to accepting invitations to connect. I now reject most invitations I receive, in large part because so many of them arrive without a note. This article sets out how I’m handling invitations as of late 2021. Do you connect with anyone? Connecting with and following […]
LinkedIn recommendations

Recommendations are LinkedIn’s version of written testimonials. Here’s how to give and get them. Introduction What LinkedIn recommendations look like Recommendation proportions: received to given How to give LinkedIn recommendations How to request LinkedIn recommendations Things to note about recommendations Ratings and reviews Let’s wrap up Introduction. LinkedIn recommendations are a way of giving written […]
LinkedIn don’ts

A recent discussion on Clubhouse with #FridayShout member Wanita Z led me to post some “don’ts” about LinkedIn. To contribute to that post, see here. The responses in the comments were enough to suggest that this topic warranted a blog post, so here are lots of craptacular actions to AVOID on LinkedIn. ❌ Salesy posts […]
In defence of LinkedIn articles

As discussed in LinkedIn view counts explained, articles typically receive the lowest view counts of any type of content on LinkedIn. But while shortform posts are great at getting you visibility, longform articles are great for building authority. People who know their stuff are able to go into length in their articles. That showcases their […]
Clubhouse intro

Guidance for Clubhouse newbies. Clubhouse is an audio-only social network. It’s currently in private beta and works on iPhone (and is compatible with iPad) on iOS 13 and above. As of May 2021, a rollout started for Android users. Right now, Android users can’t connect their Twitter and Instagram accounts to their Clubhouse bios. They […]
LinkedIn Premium

Should I pay for LinkedIn Premium? UPDATE: See my latest LinkedIn Premium review, published in December 2024. Until doing this April 2021 experiment, I’d never paid a penny for my LinkedIn account. I managed to reach 33K followers on my free LinkedIn account but I wanted to test Business Premium to see whether it was […]
Daily video experiment

I wanted to see what would happen when doing only one type of content for a whole month on LinkedIn. So, during March 2021, I posted a native video on LinkedIn each day. Here’s what happened. Introduction Results Creating the videos Non-video content during the experiment Let’s wrap up Introduction. My hypothesis was that people […]
Unfollowing people on LinkedIn

I follow fewer than 300 people on LinkedIn despite having many thousands of connections. This means my feed is relevant and my experience of LinkedIn is all the better for it. You can do the same and here’s how. Follow the 3 Es Unfollowed people won’t generate notifications The Mute feature Refollowing people Let’s wrap […]
Lucky Lab Game

Lucky Lab Game was my secret viral marketing experiment that ran from February to March 2021. As part of my move to making all of my content experimental, I thought it would be interesting to try a little test with a secret game that wouldn’t be revealed to players until they agreed to take part […]
Delayed engagement experiment

My February 2021 experiment tested whether delaying replies to comments for the first 3 hours after publishing my LinkedIn posts would have a negative impact on the visibility and engagement on those posts. Introduction The experiment Let’s wrap up Introduction. It’s often said that you need to be around to reply to early engagement on […]
Clubhouse: tips for moderators

This post was inspired by Roy Kowarski and Michael Field‘s Clubhouse room called Ask The Audience: Moderator Crash Course for Beginners, which took place on 7 March 2021. Thanks also to Vanessa Marrama for her contributions. Looking for basic Clubhouse help? See my intro guide. Top tips for Clubhouse moderators. Modding isn’t easy for everyone! […]
LinkedIn audio pronunciation

LinkedIn lets you record up to 10 seconds of audio on your profile to help people pronounce your name correctly. This post shows how it works and some examples of it in action. Introduction How to record an audio pronunciation Audio pronunciation examples Let’s wrap up Introduction. LinkedIn’s audio pronunciation feature is great for people […]
B2C examples on LinkedIn

Yes, B2C businesses can and do thrive on LinkedIn. I’m often asked whether business-to-consumer (B2C) businesses can get the same value from being on LinkedIn as business-to-business (B2B) businesses do. I’m convinced the answer is YES. LinkedIn is the world’s best business platform for conversational marketing. Any business can succeed there. To show that B2C […]
Post Snippets WordPress plugin

How to make your WordPress website more consistent by reusing repeatable blocks of content. If there’s one thing that wastes our time more than anything else, it’s repeating ourselves when we write our content. Whether it’s looking up that list of links you wrote 5 blogs ago or including a set of social media buttons […]